Saturday, March 30, 2013

Week 5 - Brightness/Contrast & Curves Adjustments

Brightness & Contrast Control

Last week I completed 3 post-processing shaders. I completed a shader for controlling intensity profiles, a shader for adjusting the brightness and contrast of an image, and a shader for curves adjustment. This blog will focus on the brightness and contrast shader as well as the curves adjustment shader.

When changing the brightness of an image, a constant is added or subtracted from the luminance of every pixel in the scene.

Changing the contrast of an image changes the range of luminance values present. It essentialy expands or compresses the color of a pixel around a constant.

Below is the shader code for brightness and contrast control:

uniform float brightness;
uniform float contrast;
uniform sampler2D scene;

void main()
        //sample scene color
vec3 color = texture2D(scene, gl_TexCoord[0].st).rgb;
       //contrast color
vec3 colorContrasted = (color - 0.5) * contrast + 0.5;

       //and brightness constant
vec3 bright = colorContrasted + vec3(brightness,brightness,brightness);

gl_FragColor.rgb = bright;

Below are screenshots of the shader: 
Brightness = 0, Contrast = 1

Contrast Below 1

Contrast Above 1

Brightness Increased ( > 0)

Brightness Decreased ( < 0)
The curves adjustment shader uses a color map/ramp to remap the colors to a new set of colors based on the map. Below is the shader code:

uniform sampler2D scene;
uniform sampler2D ramp;

void main()
vec3 color = texture2D(scene, gl_TexCoord[0].st).rgb;
vec3 outColor;
outColor.r = texture2D(ramp, vec2(color.x , 0.0)).r;
outColor.g = texture2D(ramp, vec2(color.y , 0.0)).g;
outColor.b = texture2D(ramp, vec2(color.z , 0.0)).b;
gl_FragColor.rgb = outColor;

To remap the color we use the RGB values of the color to sample for the color ramp. This is done here:

outColor.r = texture2D(ramp, vec2(color.x , 0.0)).r;
outColor.g = texture2D(ramp, vec2(color.y , 0.0)).g;
outColor.b = texture2D(ramp, vec2(color.z , 0.0)).b;

We then simply output the color and it appears as so

Curves Adjustment
And the color ramp used to remap the color:

Week 4 - Intensity Profiles

Post-processing for 3D applications involves rendering a scene to a texture, referred to as a frame buffer object, and manipulating the data contained in the texture such that it looks different. 

This week I completed 3 post-processing shaders. I completed a shader for controlling the brightness and contrast of an image, a shader for intensity profiles, and a curves adjustment shader. This blog will focus on the on the shader for intensity profiles.

Intensity Profiles/Levels Control

Levels control is a more precise way of controlling brightness and contrast in an image. To control levels the shader requires a minimum input (sometimes referred to as the input black-level), a maximum input (input white-level), a minimum output (output black-level), a maximum output (output white-level) and a value for gamma (middle grey).

Below is the shader code for levels

uniform sampler2D scene;

uniform float minInput;
uniform float maxInput;
uniform float gamma;
uniform float minOutput;
uniform float maxOutput;

void main()

        //sample scene texture
vec3 color = texture2D(scene,gl_TexCoord[0].st).rgb;

//levels input range
color = min( max(color - vec3(minInput), vec3(0.0)) / (vec3(maxInput) - vec3(minInput)), vec3(1.0));
//gamma correction
color = pow(color, vec3(1.0 / gamma));

//levels output range
color = mix(vec3(minOutput), vec3(maxOutput), color);

gl_FragColor.rgb = color;

The levels input range line essentially rejects RGB values outside of the range of the minimum and maximum input exchanging them for either black or white (black if the color is less than the minimum input specified, and white if it's greater than the maximum input specified). Below is an example substituting the following values:

minInput = 0.2
maxInput = 0.9
gamma =  0.6;
minOutput = 0.2
maxOutput = 0.9
color = (0.1,0.1,0.1)

color = min( max(color - vec3(minInput), vec3(0.0)) / (vec3(maxInput) - vec3(minInput)), vec3(1.0));

color = min( max((0.1,0.1,0.1) - vec3(0.2), vec3(0.0)) / (vec3(0.9) - vec3(0.2)), vec3(1.0));
         = min( max( (-0.1,-0.1,-0.1), (0.0,0.0,0.0) ) / (0.7,0.7,0.7), (1,1,1))
         = min( (0.0,0.0,0.0)/(0.7,0.7,0.7), (1,1,1) )
         = min(  (0.0,0.0,0.0), (1,1,1) )
         = (0,0,0)

As seen above, the value was below the minimum input and so it was rejected and exchanged for black. Had the color been (1.0,0.9,0.9) the color would have been rejected and replaced with white since the color was greater than the maximum input. If the color was within the range the final result of the above equation would simply be the original color with an adjustment. For example an original pixel color of (0.3,0.3,0.3) would return a color of (0.1428,0.1428,0.1428), and a color of (0.8,0.3,0.5) would result in a color of (0.8571, 0.1428,0.4285).

Next is a simple gamma correction. Gamma correction is used to adjust the luminance of pixels such that they are either brighter or darker. In the case of my shader increasing the gamma value will make the image brighter and decreasing the gamma value will make the image darker. Usually the equation is the same except we do not set our exponent to 1.0/gamma, it's usually just gamma. My small issue with this is that increasing the gamma value results in a darker image and decreasing it results in a lighter image, and that just didn't feel natural to me so I reversed it.

The levels output range uses the color value, adjusted from the levels input range and gamma, to linearly interpolate between the minimum and maximum outputs. The GLSL mix function does this for us:

color = mix(vec3(minOutput), vec3(maxOutput), color);

The mix function itself however uses the following logic:

mix(x,y,a) = vec3(dot(x,(1 - a)) + dot(y,a))

If we substitute a value for color of (0.1428,0.1428,0.1428) and use the minimum and maximum outputs stated above:

color = dot((0.2,0.2,0.2),(1,1,1) - (0.1428,0.1428,0.1428) ) +  dot((0.9,0.9,0.9),(0.1428,0.1428,0.1428))
         = dot((0.2,0.2,0.2),(0.8572,0.8572,0.8572)) + 0.38556
         = 0.51432 + 0.38556
         = vec3(0.89988)

Below are screenshots of an image with my shader effect being applied, and one without any effects.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 3 - Bloom Shader

This week we talked about the bloom effect.

Bloom is used to produce the real-world effect of bright-light causing a sort of over-exposure.

Looked out the window and God's graphics guy applied a bloom.
The idea is very simple; it is to make everything appear more vibrant and pretty. Luckily the implementation is just as simple as the concept. It only involves 3 steps:

1. Extract highlights from image
2. Blur the extracted highlights
3. Composite the filtered image together

The first step before any of the above, in terms of programming, is to render your scene to a frame buffer object (FBO). The reason we render the scene to an FBO is because bloom is a post-processing effect; it happens after the scene is rendered. In other words, it is not a real-time effect. Once the scene has been rendered to an FBO we can apply our effects.

The first step is a simple pass that basically keeps the brightest colors in the image mainly highlights, leaving the darker colors slightly out of it. This first pass is also rendered to an FBO for further post-processing. The second step is to blur the highlights. This step requires a creating convolution matrix. There are two ways we can do this: using a box filter or a Gaussian filter. In a box filter each source pixel is weighted equally, meaning all the values in the convolution matrix are the same. In a Gaussian the highest weight is in the center of the matrix. Generally the Gaussian filter produces better results due to its smooth distribution.

The final step is to combine the original image with the bright blurred image. Below is the effect I achieved in the shader itself.